iPhone app

Get the Most Out of Your Brimfield App Listing

This post is specifically for dealers who use the Brimfield Flea Finder app to connect with buyers. Our app was developed to help YOU and we want to make sure you are getting the most out of your listing and we try to make that as easy as possible! We spend a lot of our time at the show talking to dealers and giving them this information, but as our dealer base grows we can't spend as much time with all of you so here is some of our best advice on using the app to your advantage:

I will say, that it is my biased opinion (but shared by many), that a listing in our app is one of the most economic and effective way to reach very targeted customers. Not only does the app help shoppers physically locate you at the show (which can be extremely overwhelming for people), but we see activity within the app between shows and in the off season as well. Since listings contain contact info and social media links, it's really an excellent way to stay connected to customers all year long. For $20 (or less) a show you really can't beat the value. And it's completely free to shoppers. No wonder they love it so much!

That being said, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of your listing:
  • Make sure your site number is up to date. All dealers have the ability to log into the website with their username and password and update their site number at any time. This is a huge reason why the app is superior to other online Brimfield directories that contain stale data. Many of our dealers do stay in the same location year after year. Others move from show to show. Some move several times within the same show. If you aren't able to log in (or heck, if you are just too busy and don't feel like it) just shoot us an email and we are happy to do it for you!
  • Make sure your photos are an accurate depiction of your booth. Your photos in the app listing should grab a user's attention and accurately depict your booth/merchandise. As much as possible, it's great to have photos of current merchandise. You never know who is going to see something they just have to have. And thanks to the app, they will know just where to find it! We recommend a combination of some close up shots of key items and at least one wide shot of the booth. GPS will get them within 10-15 feet, but since most fields do not clearly mark site numbers (another reason this app was so needed!), a wide shot can help them identify it easily.  You can update your photos as often as you would like by logging into the website. But again, feel free to email/text/message us photos at any time (before or even during the show) and we will update them for you. Easy peasy!
  • Update keywords. In addition to choosing categories of items sold, listings can contain custom keywords. These can be specific artists (i.e. Erdely), brand names (i.e. Zenith, Griswold), furniture makers (i.e. Eames, Miller), types of furniture (i.e. kitchen island, upholstered), time periods, etc... How general or specific you should get will depend on what type of items you sell, what you think your potential customers will be searching for and how much time you are willing to spend keeping them up to date. If you would like some help determining what would work best for your business feel free to contact us to discuss! 
  • Tag us in social media posts. We rely heavily on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to market the app and Brimfield as a whole. There's no doubt social media is having a big impact on how customers and dealers are connecting and we want to work with you to make the most of it. If you are posting about Brimfield on social media, it's great to mention that you can be found easily using the app. Just stating your field and site number may seem like enough but I assure you, people don't always understand what that information means or don't write it down before they head out. After spending two years at our information booth on the side of Route 20, I can't stress enough how overwhelmed and confused many people are about how the fields are set up. They don't know the names of the fields or what side of the road they are on. They don't know the different fields have their own set of site numbers. They don't know there isn't a directory of dealers. Make it as easy as possible for them to find you by having them download the app before they go!
  • Post within the Facebook event on our page. We have Facebook events for each show. Posting within that event is a great way to reach a new audience on Facebook. We would also love it if you would share the event on your personal and business pages. Die hard Brimfield fans would never dream of missing a show, but more casual shoppers often forget when the shows are or don't hear about it until they have already made plans for the weekend. The more people attending the show the better for everyone and these events have the potential to grow exponentially. Each and every person that shares or follows the event means all of their friends are now seeing it too! The event is always the pinned post on our Facebook page.
I hope you found some of those tips helpful. If you have any questions or need any help updating your listing please contact us at info@brimfieldfleafinder.com. Thank you again for all of your support and we hope all of you have a great show next week!

Kaitlin and Ryan

Pre-Show Update: September 2015

Next week will mark our sixth show since starting the app. That is a big deal to us because from the beginning we always said "let's just give it six shows." The last year and a half have not gone as we expected. There have been lots of twists and turns. We've had times we wanted to give up and times we felt like like we were almost at a tipping point. Going into this show, it's safe to say things are looking up! 

Here are some things we want everyone to know about next week's show:

Wilma is coming back to the show!

Our newly-renovated vintage camper made her first 
Brimfield appearance at the July 2015 show. 
Our vintage camper will serve as our base of operations for another show. In July we had a great spot on Hertan's. We loved being there and enjoyed the shade, the friendly atmosphere and the best port-a-potties in Brimfield. We can't thank Dave Lamberto enough for his generosity and everything he does to run such a well-managed field but also his leadership within the Brimfield Promoter's Association which helps the entire show. He has been one of our biggest supporters and we really appreciate it.

But for the September show, we will be setting up on the Central Park field in a prime shopping area!  This will give the app a lot of visibility. We expect it to increase downloads and give us an opportunity to meet and talk to many more users. We love the idea of being right in the middle of all the action. And on a personal note, since I'm on no sugar/low carb health kick I'm super pumped that we will be right next to Hearty Eats and BTs Smokehouse all week!

Opening day is a little extra special for us this year!

Charlotte's first day of pre-school is Tuesday September 8th. Of course it is, right? And of course she only needs to go for one hour in the middle of the morning! Some things take precedent over Brimfield though, and this is definitely one of them. I'm so excited for her and also an emotional wreck about the whole thing. Wish us luck!

Charlotte back in 2013. She has been to every Brimfield since she 
was born! I even found out I was pregnant with her at the show! 
We are now partnered with brimfield.com!

Brimfield.com is the premier Brimfield website with millions of hits per year. It is the leading online source of information about the antique show. The site is now helping to promote the app by recommending it to readers as an excellent resource for navigating the show and as a way to find specific items and dealers. We are so excited about this and have already seen a significant impact to our site traffic from this. It's a win-win for everyone!

A new version of the iPhone app is now available!

The new version fixed a few bugs, added a link to our Instagram gallery, made some cosmetic changes to dealer listings, put search results in alphabetical order and added our contact info. We are very happy with our iOS developer/coder after a horrible experience with our previous one earlier this year. It's such a relief to work with someone who is professional and responsive! Sadly however, we are now 5 for 5 with developers committing to fixing the Android version, supposedly working on it for weeks, and then disappearing off the face of the earth. So Android users, please bear with us as we continue working to improve it. A little over 80% of our downloads/users are on iPhones, so that has always been our priority but we are determined to have a bug-free Android version by May.

So that's a little bit about what's happening on our end of things. I know many of you are equally busy with Brimfield prep, back to school and Labor Day activities. We are looking forward to a really strong show and keeping our fingers crossed for some cooler weather next week!

See you soon and thanks for following!