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Our Farmer's Market will open on Saturday, April 25, 9 am- 2 pm with the following four vendors: Hunt's Road Berry Farm, Flourish Farm, Rocky Ridge Beef Farm and Turnabout Farm.

Our opening is to support those in the community seeking local food sources as well as those receiving supplemental benefits per federal requirements specific for fresh, local food.

We have been working closely with the Board of Health, CISA and the USDA to ensure we meet strict safety standards for both patrons and vendors.

We have several requests of our patrons: 1) Please adhere to the current social distancing guidelines; 2) You MUST wear a face mask; 3) Please try to have smaller bills to decrease the need for cash exchanges; 4) Enter/exit the market at the clearly designated points.

Lastly we ask our patrons to be good neighbors by shopping for elderly or high risk customers.

For a complete list of Farmer's Market guidelines developed in conjunction with the Board of Health visit our website.

A number of people have also called about our Town Wide Tag Sale.  We urge you to continue to clean out those closets as we plan to hold it on a date TBD as soon as quarantine is lifted.

Lastly, if you have not done so please fill out your census form at It is particularly important in our current situation so that the government can correctly allocate revenue and supplies.

Cindy Skowyra

Executive Director

Hitchcock Free Academy
413 245-9977